Okay sooo...I am in a loveless marriage. Have been married for 3 yrs. Have 2 kids with my husband. I do not love him anymore. He doesn't act like he still loves me. I feel like we were kinda forced to get married too early by his mother, just b/c we had gotten pregnant. I did love him at that time, but don't think we were ready to get married (obviously) So I have been having an emotional/physical affair with a coworker for about 4 months now, and I think I may be pregnant. If you are just gonna call me a slut and a piece of trash please don't even waste ur time. I feel horrible about myself as it is. I just would like to know how in the world do i tell him? How do I tell him I want a divorce? It would not be fair to just let him go on thinking it's his baby, and also not fair to the ';father'; for him to not be able to have a relationship with his child, so just hiding it is not an option for me. I couldn't live w/ that. I still want a div. even if I am not pregnant...soo...any advice?Married and may be Pregant by another man...Help? Advice?
I don't get it....just tell him. There really is no advice for this. You know what you want to do!Married and may be Pregant by another man...Help? Advice?
getting a divorce always hurts whether you are pregnant or not
you just have to be honest and tell him that you are not happy
yes it will hurt him
but he is better off finding a woman who will be crazy about him rather than someone who is not in love with him
and is having an affair.
it's just too bad for the kids
they are the ones who suffer the most
i am very sorry for them
Just walk up to him and say, ';Honey I'm a nasty whore. I spread my legs for some other guy. Now I'm knocked up w/ his bastard.'; LOL. What a stupid whore you are. There is no excuse for cheating.
Hi Hun, this is a messy situation and while some will call you all sorts of names, it is obious that you are not happy in your relationship with your husband. First, you need to sit down with your husband and tell him that you want a devorce. Then, you want to have the baby and have his/her paternity tested so that you know for sure who the father is. At this point, you need to start picking up the pieces of your life and remember that although you may not love your husband, he is the father of your children and will be a part of you for the rest of your life. Be honest, open and try to salvage a friendship for the benefit of the children. Beyond that, you deserve to be loved and in a relationship where you feel happy and fullfilled. Never regret what you have done, but now you must clean up the mess. It will not be easy, and it will be one of the hardest things you will ever have to do. There will be no right time or place and there will be many hurt feelings, but remember, you have decided on this path and you can not truly follow it unless you come clean. Good luck hun.
I think it's a total cliche' to say your in a loveless marriage to make it sound like your cheating was warranted.
Your messed up in the head lady.
tramp whore...see, I didnt call you a slut or a piece of trash...
If he doesn't love you either then it may be a relief to find out you want a divorce. I am not so sure about telling him you are pregnant because most courts won't allow a divorce to be finalized while a woman is pregnant--no matter who fathered the child. The legal system isn't into bastardizing a baby. Both you and your husband deserve to find happiness and if you can't find it together you should both move on. Most men who stay in a bad marriage (women too) do so because of financial reasons. So make a financial plan to present to him showing just how divorce can be managed and in such a way as he won't be left holding all the debts while you get all the assets. He will be more inclined to agree to divorce if he doesn't feel he is going to get the shaft. Good luck because you are going to need it. The people on here that call you names must not live in glass houses. It is up to a much higher power then us here on earth to judge you and all theses people will probably be judged harder then you for trying to play God.
What about what you wrote? Sit him down and talk to him. Don't put the blame on anyone except yourself and own up to your actions like you did in your question. The sooner, the better too. Don't let him find out by himself and learn from what you've done so you can move on to a responsible relationship in the future.
Let me know when to tune in when you're on Maury trying to find out who your baby daddy is.
my sister had the same thing happen to her, They argued alot over stupid little things so one day when they were fighting she told him it was over and packed her things and left and avoided him as much as she could.I know it sounds bad but sometimes you do have to be dirty about things but that sounds so much better then him knowing there is another man.
I can tell you one thing, marriage considers the wife property of the husband and legally the child you carry may be your secret lover's but it is legally your husbands, he would have to sign his rights away on the child and if you are going to leave, do it before the child is born and before he get attached to he/she.
You made your bed, now you gotta sleep in it.
Just be upfront with him otherwise the situation will just get worse!
You need to fess up and tell them both you do not know who the father is. Just tell it the way it is. Dont lie. You will just humiliate him and yourself at the same time.
Then you will get the divorce you want and then be able to work, support yourself and you babies and find out the skank your screwing around with at work just wanted some free sex.
I never understood why women let themselves be used like that.
First off, Find out if your Pregnant.
If you are, tell your husband right away. He will probably want a divorce.
Third, Be ready for him to question his paternity on the other 2 kids. You cheated once and if this kid is not his, he may think the other 2 are not his either.
Fourth, If you want a divorce, get a divorce. Don't hide, lie or keep secrets on him. Don't end a relationship in a lie
As usual, its the innocent children I feel sorry for......
Married Dating: Affairs: Married : Womens :
Extramarital Affair at
I'm sure you won't have to even think about filing for a divorce, once you tell him he'll probably beat you to the punch! Just be upfront and honest. Good Luck!
Once you tell him you may be pregnant by another man, he'll offer you the divorce. You'll get what you want.
You've already just told us exactly what you plan to do, so I'm not sure what kind of advice you need. I find it amusing that you're acting so concerned about being ';fair'; to him and finding out the best way to tell him. You don't care about this man's feelings at ALL! You slept with and got pregnant by someone else! Why are you suddenly pretending that you care about your husband's feelings??
well you know what they say, you mess up you clean up
I think that once you tell him you are pregnant by another man and have been cheating, he will offer YOU a divorce, so I wouldn't worry about that.
You are weak and I'm glad you feel horrible about yourself...so you should. (but you obviously don't feel; THAT bad because if you did, you'd have finished it ...)
There is NO excuse for cheating.
If you don't love your husband, you should have left him before shagging someone else.
I can't advise you...I'd never shite on someone like that...
You should have applied for a divorce 5 months ago....
try ur luck....
I have not been in your shoes but I would just sit your husband down and tell him the truth. It is always better to tell the truth than to get caught in a lie. If you dont love him anymore and you are ready to get out of the relationship then you need to do just that, It is not fair to you him or the kids to keep on going in a loveless relationship. It is only damaging to everyone involved. Hopefully the guy that you are pregnant with is inlove with you and was not just using you for sex. Good luck and I wish you all the best
You really want the advice of someone who was in the same situation? Not a wise choice! You seem to make bad decisions often. I feel no pity for you! I do feel pity for the Innocent blessing in your tummy that you don't deserve!
You feel horrible about this...what a joke!
first find out if you really are pregnant befor you go telling the men in your life. then if you are, tell the father and see what he has to say. and tell your husband that is a possibility that the baby might not be his. i am sure he will offer you the divorce wih out a blink of an eye. if not, let him know what has been going on and that you don't love him anymore. let him know that you just don't think you can handle living in a loveless marriage anymore and that you want out.
I have not been in a similar situation but am willing to try and help without abusing you ;)
Your baby is a sign that you were not meant to get married,I would take that sign and run with it.
A loveless marriage is not fair on your husband or child.
Dont leave your husband for the other man though, leave him for the right reasons.
I am not trying to be rude but these are the sort of things that you have to contemplate before jumping in the sack with someone else.....You were woman enough to do the deed now you have to be woman enough to accept the consequences of those actions.
It might just surprise you that maybe he is sleeping with someone else also and he will just be relieved to get rid of you....Just talk to him, you never know
be up front and honest its the best thing to do I promise you will get the divorce you want for sure but maybe you guys should have at least tried to save your marriage before you went out and started screwing around? maybe counseling? looks like you have your hands full better spill the beans now before things get worse
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