Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm in love with a married man, need advice please.?

I am in love with a married man and no he has not cheated on his wife with me nor have we had any intentions or talked in a sexual or relationship way. It all started when we where young 10-11 years old he came with my brother from america to china to visit with him and spend the summer here(yes he is american and white that doesn't matter to me). While he was down here i got to know him very well and he actually one day stopped me from being raped and saved my life all at the same time. From that day i became entranced with him he sat along my bed side all night as i cried and shivered in fear and he just silently sat there not saying any thing or doing any thing just there. Threw that summer we hung out allot and he became a really good friend and i wanted it to be more but we both knew he had to go back to america after the summer was up he also treated me in a way like a sister (very frustrating when you love some one). So when he want back we kept in contact emailed each other at least once a week and he has always sent me a birthday gift. We have visited each other threw out the years when possible. then about 4 years ago i got married and it ended up being to an abusive man and he got married about 5 months later. Well i got divorced about 1 year ago and he is still married and we still talk. But i can't see loving any one else but him we are both close to our thirties now and his marrige is in a rough spot and i seceritly wish he would divorce her so that i can try and get him. He has a daughter and he just adores him i want that type of man. Every man i find doesn't even come close to the type of man his is no one is as great of a person and i can't see loving any one else. i Send him a long email about 3 days ago telling him how i felt and he said this in responce. I love you but i am married now i will always love you as family but as for right now i am married and have a daughter i can't just walk away from this';

I understand his point but i can't help loveing him and if i could i would clone him so that he can stay married and i can have the copy to keep all to my self. I can't ecplaine why i love this man so much nor can i just forget about him he feels like the one, my body mind and soul long for him but he isn't advailable. We will always be good friends and i wont try and mess up or interfear with his marrige i am not that type of woman. Any advice on how to get over him or get to the point not every man has to stack up to him i can just be happy with a good man?

thank you for your adviceI'm in love with a married man, need advice please.?
As hard as it might seem, you need to move on and find someone who is available to receive your love.

Good luck!

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