no really, i understand that things happen... but you should be honest... why would you not tell him?I am in a relationship but i love another man help need advice?
That stinks. I think you should definitely end the relationship. tell this other guy that it's not him, it's you. you want to be friends, but you just don't feel it on another level. Then, you can try to get the guy you're in love with. it is kind of hard to give advice with no details, though. How is the person you are in the relationship with? Why are you with them? How do you know you are in love with this other man?I am in a relationship but i love another man help need advice?
be true to yourself and finish your relationship. you need to do it for your boyfriend too. I'm sure he wouldn want you to be in a relationship with him if your heart wasn't in it! if he loves you he would prefer you to be happy, even if its not with him. you will probably hurt him at first but in the long run he will realise its for the best.
Follow your heart. Don't spend your time with someone who isn't right for you.
You aren't being very clear about what is going on. Are you unhappy with your relationship? Do you love both of them or just one?
Have you considered ethical polyamory?
be with the guy you love unless he is your cousin or something like that. you only have one life why be with someone you dont love
First, you shud be sure bout how u feel... i dont believe that a heart cud love 2 person at the same time. If u realize that you love that other man, u shud tell the person to whom u have a relationship with. Play fair, let that person know. If u realize that you love the person to whom u have a relationship with, tell him what u feel ryt now. Explain what happened and what makes u feel this way... apologize if needed. Losing a person who loves u so much and u love so much is a real mistake =)
I would end it. It's not fair to you, and it's not fair to the other guy you're currently with. How would you feel if you were with a man who was in love with another woman? Don't cheat on him, just end things and say it's because you just don't feel a spark anymore. That way you won't waste his, or your, time. Good luck!
';If you love two people you don't love either one enough.';
- Jerry Springer
(The most inteligent thing I've ever heard Springer say!)
So dump the relationship and be with the other guy.
Dump the guy your with and go with the guy you love
think about which one u like more and if it is not the guy u already have a relationship with see if the other guy likes u before u dump ur boyfriend and if he does go out with him
Gal, always follow your heart. When you love somebody it doesn't mean that the love will last forever, some love wil just fade away.
As long as you are not married, you had not committed anything wrong, go for the one you really love.
Life is short and you have the rights to pursue a life with the one you love.
Stop playing games with the person you're with. If you're in love with someone else, move on and let the person you're with right now go. How would you like it if someone did that to you? Don't go on letting the person you're with think that you have mutual feelings for them, when you don't. If you keep going at it like this, you will only hurt that person more and on top of that, you too would be miserable.
you better seize the opportunity to be with someone you are actually in love with now
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