Monday, August 23, 2010

......I need some more advice...haha... man this is tuff....?

so....there's this boy i like and i don't know if he likes me abck so what could i do to show him that i like him.... he is only in my guitar class.. but i really like him and can't stop thinking about him....... i want him to know that i like him but i don't know how to show it or what i should do or say to him to make him notice me..... does anyone know what i could say or do to get his attention and find out if he likes me too..... I am willing to give anything a chance.... because whats the worst that could happen (he doesn't like me back :(....that would hurt but at least i could sleep at night not wondering if he does like me) So.... i need tips and advice on things to say to him (what to start a conversation about) and things i could do to get him to notice that i like him..... please answer!! :) thanx!! xoxo......I need some more advice...haha... man this is tuff....?
you just gotta flirt with him before your class or after your class. You said something about a guitar class so you have to come up to him and be like oh thats such nice guitar could i see it or something along the lines of that. Then you could also ask him what else he enjoys doing besides playing guitar, honestly i guess it all depends on how old you are cuz if you were older you could always say hey lots go grab a drink or something, well actually you could still say that but like some coffee or something. Make sure you always say hi to him and smile and say bye. He'll get the hint then

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