Monday, August 23, 2010

Some advice for a desperate man please?

I have a bit of a situation. My girlfriend and I had planed to live in an apartment in N Hollywood about a week ago. So we packed our bags and headed to the apartment. Just as we head there to give him the deposite, he rents it out to someone else. So we ended up strannded without a place in North Hollywood. So what I did was rented a hotel for two weeks until we saved enough money, but the hotel was about the same price as the apartment. So we ended up broke. 3 days after being in the hotel looking for places my girlfriend lost her job with no extra pay. Now our time in the hotel is up tommorrow and we have only $30 dollars and we both have no family or friends that would help us out. We are about to go homeless and I am a scared off my mind. We have our stuff and we don't know how we are gonna carry it with us, please friends help me out with some advice.Some advice for a desperate man please?
Well, first off pray!! You are going to need some prayer to get you outta this.

And I'm really sorry for your circumstances, really, my heart goes out to you and your girlfriend.

Are you positive that there isn't any family you could run to in distress?? Please, just think real long and hard about that, because your only option is to go to a homeless shelter. And I really don't think that they'll will allow you to move our furniture and what not into their shelter.

What you need to do is to demand that guy to give you back that apartment. What he did was very illegal!!! He shouldn't have done that!!!

Demand it, and tell him that if he doesn't give you guys back the apartment, get the police involved and take him to court.

I really hope that everything works out for you and your girlfriend.

God Bless.

ps. try to pawn something so that you can get some money to stay at the hotel for a few extra days.

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