Monday, August 23, 2010

Some advice for a desperate man please?

I have a bit of a situation. My girlfriend and I had planed to live in an apartment in N Hollywood about a week ago. So we packed our bags and headed to the apartment. Just as we head there to give him the deposite, he rents it out to someone else. So we ended up strannded without a place in North Hollywood. So what I did was rented a hotel for two weeks until we saved enough money, but the hotel was about the same price as the apartment. So we ended up broke. 3 days after being in the hotel looking for places my girlfriend lost her job with no extra pay. Now our time in the hotel is up tommorrow and we have only $30 dollars and we both have no family or friends that would help us out. We are about to go homeless and I am a scared off my mind. We have our stuff and we don't know how we are gonna carry it with us, please friends help me out with some advice.Some advice for a desperate man please?
Well, first off pray!! You are going to need some prayer to get you outta this.

And I'm really sorry for your circumstances, really, my heart goes out to you and your girlfriend.

Are you positive that there isn't any family you could run to in distress?? Please, just think real long and hard about that, because your only option is to go to a homeless shelter. And I really don't think that they'll will allow you to move our furniture and what not into their shelter.

What you need to do is to demand that guy to give you back that apartment. What he did was very illegal!!! He shouldn't have done that!!!

Demand it, and tell him that if he doesn't give you guys back the apartment, get the police involved and take him to court.

I really hope that everything works out for you and your girlfriend.

God Bless.

ps. try to pawn something so that you can get some money to stay at the hotel for a few extra days.

A woman who need advice from a man

ok guys, you been with your girlfriend or wife for some years and then the spark that was once there is gone. What would you like your woman to do or both do together to get that spark back. A woman who need advice from a man
speck may be dim but does not mean is going to go off. communication is the most important to all relationship to last. plan n do things together n enjoy each other company.

I am a man and my wife just miscarried after 3 months. Hurts like hell and feel real angry. Any advice?

this is normal. I suggest you think positive... dont think about the bad stuff. Maybe this happened for a good reason. God knows what he is doing. The baby that your wife was carrying might have had a better plan with god. Just comfort your wife and in time things will be better. Remember, you can always try again. Be happy that you know that little angel of yours and your wife's is with god looking after you both.I am a man and my wife just miscarried after 3 months. Hurts like hell and feel real angry. Any advice?
You are grieving. This is completely normal. Grief is a process of stages - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

You and your wife have lost a child - you may be thinking about what could have been, what could you have done differently, why me....that is all normal. The best thing to do is to talk to each other. Keep the communication going. Losing a baby can put a huge strain on your relationship, especially if you are each grieving differently.

I would suggest you find a support group that deals with miscarriage and infant loss. Talking with other families who are going through the same thing will help you deal with your emotions and learn how to go on.

I'm very sorry for your loss. I, too, know how much it hurts. God bless you both.I am a man and my wife just miscarried after 3 months. Hurts like hell and feel real angry. Any advice?
Really sorry to hear that dude. Be strong not only for your self but for your wife. Your next child born will be your miracle baby. Embrace that thought. Sorry dude.
First, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Unfortunately, miscarriage is more common during the first trimester than at any other time during pregnancy. Many doctors believe that every woman will have a miscarriage at some point in her reproductive life, whether she know it or not (some happen so early that they may go undetected). It's a horrible, trying experience, especially when the baby is wanted.

I know it's not what you'd like to hear at the moment, but your wife's miscarriage does not mean that she cannot have a healty, normal, uneventful pregnancy in the future. For the vast majority of women, a miscarriage has nothing to do with their ability to carry and support a fetus within her womb. It is more likely that something was wrong with the fetus itself that would have prevented it from developing properly or surviving outside the womb. It is, in effect, nature's way of promoting survival of the species. But I understand that offers no consolation.

My best advice is to first talk to your doctor to see if you can find any definite explanation for the miscarriage. Sometimes a diagnosis - or probable diagnosis - can be given, but a lot of times there's just no good answer. However, if the doctor knows what caused the miscarriage, future ones may be much more preventable. Secondly, join a support group in an environment you feel comfortable in, whether it's just online or involves going to meetings with other couples who have been through the same thing. There are many others out there who have been through this and will offer great advice and words of support.

And finally, please remember that it is NOT your fault, or your wife's fault. Peace be with you during this difficult time.
Nature saw fit to terminate the pregnancy. It's not anybody's fault. Know that nature knows what is best for us, even if we don't agree.

ps - I'm sorry for your loss.
Don't be angry at yourself or your wife. It isn't either of your fault, just take some time to move on and think about the future.
Everybody handles it in different ways. After my miscarriage, my fiance did not want to talk about it. It has been about 6 months and he is just now ready. He says he thinks about the baby everyday but he knows there is a reason for what happened.
I just had a miscarriage a couple of months ago and understand what you are going through. Be supportive of your wife as I am sure she is an emotional wreck. I understand t he anger...I was too at all the people who have abortions when their child was perfectly healthy...or at how quickly and easily some people get pregnant. Don't let your anger get to you, because you are going to need to be positive to try again. You might want to talk to a professional, I didn't but only because they all had really long waits. Hang in there and focus on the future!

A weary old man needs your advice......?

Should I just lay here on the couch all day?

Their's nobody to cean my laundry or empty out the cat box and I'm just too tired to do it.

I've had the same pants on for 12 days and my cats have to climb a 3 foot hill to use the box.

What should I do?A weary old man needs your advice......?
I don't see a problem here....A weary old man needs your advice......?
Wow, you sound like a neat freak to me!!!
buy Geritol, then hire in a cleaning lady once a week, feel sorry for the kitties
well, Buk, I'd say the cats deserve better and so do your pants....

do a little laundry,

clean a little box,

then lay down tonight ... ;)
what do you want to do?, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step'', do what will make you %26amp; cats feel %26amp; be better''''''', take care''.
See what happens when you spend all your nights spanking the chittering monkey! are sapping valuable strength.

Sounds like someone has to take stock of his-self and make some hard decisions.
crack open a bottle of mad dog old timer
Go shopping for new clothes and buy a new house! LOL!

......I need some more advice...haha... man this is tuff....?

so....there's this boy i like and i don't know if he likes me abck so what could i do to show him that i like him.... he is only in my guitar class.. but i really like him and can't stop thinking about him....... i want him to know that i like him but i don't know how to show it or what i should do or say to him to make him notice me..... does anyone know what i could say or do to get his attention and find out if he likes me too..... I am willing to give anything a chance.... because whats the worst that could happen (he doesn't like me back :(....that would hurt but at least i could sleep at night not wondering if he does like me) So.... i need tips and advice on things to say to him (what to start a conversation about) and things i could do to get him to notice that i like him..... please answer!! :) thanx!! xoxo......I need some more advice...haha... man this is tuff....?
you just gotta flirt with him before your class or after your class. You said something about a guitar class so you have to come up to him and be like oh thats such nice guitar could i see it or something along the lines of that. Then you could also ask him what else he enjoys doing besides playing guitar, honestly i guess it all depends on how old you are cuz if you were older you could always say hey lots go grab a drink or something, well actually you could still say that but like some coffee or something. Make sure you always say hi to him and smile and say bye. He'll get the hint then

Man looking for Bra advice, how tight should by shoulder straps be? could being too tight be bad for my breast

and help girls?Man looking for Bra advice, how tight should by shoulder straps be? could being too tight be bad for my breast
are you kidding me? do you really wanna know about a bra... for you? well if this isn't a joke i'd have to say to get a loose size idk sorry i'm just finding it hard to belive you would actually ask this uhhhhh if you're straight than sweety i would suggest to NOT wear a braMan looking for Bra advice, how tight should by shoulder straps be? could being too tight be bad for my breast
Looking for a mansierre?
You are a MAN. Unless you have manboobs, you don't need a bra.
Shoulder straps should be tight enough so that they don't slip down, but not so tight as to cut into your skin and leave marks. And no, other than being uncomfortable (and isn't that bad enough?), a too-tight bra will not ';harm'; your breasts.
it will just hurt

most bras hav those loosning thingys

try to buy those

with adjustable straps

it won't be bad 4 ur boobs

just u'll be hurt like in pain

hope this helps
either you're super fat, or you have some sort of strange fetish.....


and to help, only 10% of support should be from the straps.
why are you wearing a bra? Do you have moobs?
it's bad for your shoulders if it's too tight... it could leave a rash... just fit it so that i feels snug!!! yay for comfort!!!
ok,although this is a very strange question...i will answer it...get one that is kinda loose...but tight enough to wear it wont slip
The bra strap should not be tight on you it should fit perfectly you should have the bra strap should not slide off and it should not be so tight that you are uncomfortable and you have to make sure that the cups fit good. Good luck finding bras. By the way you should measure how many inches arounds your boobs so you know what size to get them in.
to tigh will lift the back part up and show over ur top. get a good fitting size. wear it , adjust the straps and see if it fits well
Actually many women often think tight feeling is bad, but tight is better when it comes to the straps and the part that hooks around your torso. You wouldn't believe the number of women that are currently wearing the incorrect fit for their size.

As long as you aren't spilling out of your cup (either underneath or on top, then you are probably fine.
  • cosmetics
  • Would it be considered cheating if I sought advice from another man (via e-mail) off Yahoo! Answers?

    I have posted a lot of questions in the Marriage %26amp; Divorce section of Yahoo! Answers. Sometimes some of the men have really good advice and/or can relate to my situation. One in particular told me to e-mail him anytime if I wanted more advice or if I wanted to blow off some steam. Would that be considered cheating? I haven't accepted his offer, but I wanted to see what other people thought about it.Would it be considered cheating if I sought advice from another man (via e-mail) off Yahoo! Answers?
    If your partner knows about you emailing this new internet friend then your fine. Cheating starts as a violation of trust. So long as your up front about this new friend then your fine.Would it be considered cheating if I sought advice from another man (via e-mail) off Yahoo! Answers?
    I wouldn't say it was cheating, but how would you feel if it was reversed and you found emails from a stranger in your partners inbox......maybe best to stick to yahoo answers and save any awkward scenarios......
    Well, what would you do if you found out that your hubby was emailing somebody about your problems? You'd probably freak.

    And, more importantly, this kind of venting leads to feelings. You're mad or hurt and here is this super nice guy that tells you that you're worth something and it makes you feel good. This is the kind of junk that leads to an emotional affair. It then makes you even more bitter towards your spouse and feel closer to the 3rd party. Be careful!!!

    I'd steer clear if I were you. Go ahead and post questions, but leave it at that. You don't want to get caught up in something, it'll make things worse! Good luck!
    It's not cheating. However, he probably offered because he would like to get with you . . . .

    Funny how those things start.
    umm no, but honestly things are better kept within a relationship than telling others your dirty secrets. No one likes a blabber mouth.
    Consider it FREE therapy if it helped. Would you not go see a therapist if they happen to be a man? Would you not go to the doctor just because the doctor was a man? I think not. Therefore, its not cheating.
    I don't consider that cheating, but would your husband? That is the only opinion that really matters. If you are having marriage problems, they won't get fixed unless you talk to him. Talking to someone else may give you some perspective, and probably make you feel better for the moment, but it won't help if you aren't talking to your husband.

    Plus if you are having issues in your marriage, I say why do anything that could lead to temptation. If you aren't happy, it makes it all the easier to cross boundaries.....


    It sounds like you have a good plan. Why tempt fate? It's like a Pandora's box sometimes.
    emailing someone is not are simply using his advice to better your situation. He might know more than you and had more experiences in his lifetime. Sounds like you just need to talk to someone and he is willing to help. It is considered ';cheating'; if you go beyond that and start talking naughty to each other or meeting this person and going on dates
    It IS cheating if you orgasm from it.
    Changemelord, No you have never met. Needing a place to vent is fine. Just don';t get swept away !
    It is not consider cheating only if you are talking to him for advise but once it goes pass advice and friendly conversation then its cheating.
    Sharing intimate, personal information and becoming emotionally open to another man is cheating...unless it's a therapist.

    Would you be pleased if you husband talked about you behind your back to some woman and discussed your boobs, your moods, your periods, your attitude? I think not.
    Speaking from experience, I would really be careful it could cause more harm than good. I have been married for over 10 years and my husband's bestfriend's girlfriend would confide in him regarding his bestfriend. It got to the point where she was getting so comfortable that she would call his cell phone (not our home phone) in the wee hours of the night or wanting him to meet with her for lunch so that they could talk. Luckily he confided in me regarding this situation because he felt uncomfortable so of course I had to intervene...Be careful and handle yourself accordingly... The advice that I gave her was to talk to her man because he was the only one who could fix the problem that she was having. Its okay to get the advice of what others may do in a situation. Find out what's going on with your man and if you still continue to have problems they need to consider other alternatives... Word to the wise from my own experience and many others I have come in contact with this type of thing almost always lead to other things that you may not have been looking for in the begining whether it be you or the person you seeking advice from start to have feelings...
    The only thing I would watch is some might be giving advice to lure you in and get closer to you.
    I think it's perfectly fine to talk to other guys even though u r in a relationship. Just make sure you contain the flirting part of talking to other men. Yahoo Answers is perfect for advice! There's nothing wrong with it. But emailing him is okay too, just make sure it doenst go further then JUST emailing for advice.
    It's not cheating, at least in the physical aspect. As long as you can set and maintain boundaries for the frequency and intimacy of the information you are sharing, you should be okay.
    It doesn't sound like cheating...he's giving you advise about your marriage. It sounds more like friendly counseling....
    Yes, it is an emotional affair! Would you want your husband e-mailing some woman behind your back and talking about you?
    No, that's not cheating. Cheating would be if you two started talking about sex with each other, flirting, making plans to meet, etc. It's okay to have male friends (online or off) and discuss personal issues, but be careful how personal things get between the two of you.

    If you wouldn't want your partner to do it, then don't do it yourself. Stick to that rule and you'll probably not cross any lines of impropriety.
    My view is...I do not do ANYTHING that I would not like my husband to do. If I would be ok with him emailing some woman offline to discuss our relationship...then it would be okay for me to email some man...make sense? Or how about this...would it be something you would hide from him(husband/boyfriend)...if so better not do it.
    I dont think so...sounds more like a friendship....i mean all you are doing is talking w/ him like you would a friend!
    Of course it wouldn't, its not like your blowing him off is it.
    Nope, it's nice to hear a guy's point of view...Now if he's doing this for an ulterior motive, you'll figure it out once you start emailing back and forth. No worries.
    If you're marriage is already on the rocks, don't make it worse by soliciting one on one help. While you may know it is innocent, you also know your husband wouldn't want you chatting online with other men, especially when it gets more personal than yahoo answers. Put yourself in his shoes. How would you like it? Also, online affairs start somewhere - why not here?
    Hahha no.

    A) Even if it was, who would find out?

    B) Emailing someone is not a crime...

    if within your heart you know its gonna possibly lead to more, leave it alone. If you play with fire, you will get burnt. Plus, you're endangering someone else (advice offerer) of getting emotionally tied to you. You don't need that, if you're already asking for advice.

    Just be careful.
    Looks like you found a good solution to your question all on your own. I agree with your conclusion. =-)
    i dont think its cheating at all getting someone else perspective regardless if its a man or woman to help your relationship is perfectly acceptable
    No, because advice is different than flirting or sex. And you need advice, now and then. Who doesn't?

    Meeting you, with a view to a kill

    Face to face in secret places, feel the chill.

    Night fall covers me, but you know the plans Im making,

    Still oversea, could it be the whole world opening wide

    A sacred why? , a mystery gaping inside

    The weekends why?

    Until we dance into the fire

    That fatal kiss is all we need

    Dance into the fire,

    To fatal sounds of broken dreams

    Dance into the fire,

    That fatal kiss is all we need

    Dance into the fire.....

    Choice for you, is the view to a kill

    Between the shades, assination standing still.

    The first crystal tears, fall as snowflakes on your body

    First time in years, to drench you skin with lovers rosy stain

    A chance to find the phoenix for the flame,

    A chance to die..

    But can we dance into the fire

    That fatal kiss is all we need

    Dance into the fire

    To fatal sounds of broken dreams

    Dance into the fire

    That fatal kiss is all we need

    Dance into the fire

    When all we see.. is the view to a kill

    Age Gap Love Advice older man/younger woman?

    Hi I am 28 dating someone who is 19 yrs older than me. He is 47 (doesn't look like it though) . I am completly in love with this person. He says he loves me too. Although it seems to me that he has a problem with the age difference. We have been hiding the relationship because he is afraid of other's reactions. I tell him there is nothing wrong and it is our decision to be together. I am just trying to get some advice or story's from others in same situation to show him that it okay.I know there are others in relationships with age differences even greater than ours. Also we have been together a year and he is not rich so that is not why I am with him so I can't be called a gold-digger like some articles suggest. Sometime I think he just uses it as an excuse not to be in a committed relationship.He is very sweet and we get along very well. Any advice or info would be great. .Age Gap Love Advice older man/younger woman?
    ahhh my wife is 21 years younger than me, i am 46 she is 25...

    why are you hiding Love?? what is he embarrassed about if he loves you? whats his problem..Iam so proud of my best friend..

    her age means nothing to me..its her personality.or intelligence and her humor..her maturity.we are very compatible..her beauty and sexiness is just a bonus.. we get along so well.i could not belive whole life i was looking for someone i could spend the rest of my life with..and that was hard to do..until i met her,,and now i cant spend the rest of my life without her.

    My wife is not a gold digger at all either,together we started our own business,,maybe when iam 75 and she is 55 there might be difficulties..but i will have lived a good life and accept what happens i cant worry about that now and not be happy now..because of what if?

    your Boyfriend..if he truly loved you..he wouldnt care about the age thing most guys like having a sexy younger woman so thats not for him being afraid of commitment..well if he truly loved you he would not want to lose you..and commitment would not be a factor..

    what it comes down compatibility..are you mature..are you a daddys girl..and are you you have a career..are your friends immature and he dislikes being around them..many factors for a older guy,,that you dont think about..maybe he sees you in a different light and maybe he enjoys your company..but something is missing..has nothing to do with age..exept the fact you may be in a different era than he is in..or use too..he is into led zeppelin and your into usher or timberlake,,or whoever,,so maybe you are not as good together as you think you need to have a heart to sounds like....he is just not that into you!Age Gap Love Advice older man/younger woman?
    Kill anyone who doesn't approve.
    There are support groups for people in marriages with large age gaps. It is not a healthy relationship unless both of you are on the same page in life and your past life experiences are the same.

    Best case scenario... you moved around and lived all over the world because your father was in the service, and now you are in college. AND He was in the service and is now going to college for a degree and just starting a new career. Then it may work, but the fact is you are in your prime and he is over the hill.

    Anything over a 10 year difference is way outside of being normal.

    I really need advice from man because I am getting mixed signals?

    Hi, I 've been talking to this guy for about a month or so , and he said indirectly yesterday that how is he to propose someone if she is being difficult, I said I think you should go for it, and we left it like that and we talking about oher stuff, always in reference to knowing each other, then there has been other times that he has asked me what did you do today ? and one day I said you tell me first and he said I thought about you and I don't know if I should say the same thing or hes expecting me to be more warm, the problem I have is that when I really like someone, I can have a very good intellectual conversation but I am so bad at sending the right signals and I don't know if I am going to loose him due to this. yesterday after we hung up I reacted and I called him and asked if there was someone else that he was talking to and then he said no I was just talking figuratively, then when I was about to hang up he asked are you going to miss me in your dreams what this means?I really need advice from man because I am getting mixed signals?
    OMG....he likes you....go for it...dont worry about signals....just go for it....straight up askI really need advice from man because I am getting mixed signals?
    I'm so confused. First of all, work on your grammar.

    Second, is this guy seeing some one else or not? Either way, the dude wants you. If you want him, make sure he's single, and just tell him to quit playing games and get the show on the road!
    He likes you. Just go ahead and ask him directly. Things will work out. Trust me.

    I need some advice from man?

    we are specail friend . it means we use sex for communicating. Because he has just broken up with his gf. im so stupid. I know he is sad and depress. thats why i wanna let him get hope back. Come to his house - talk to him. listen to him - make love with him - cook for him

    I try to take him for going out with me but couldnt. When i come to his house, he didnt treat me properly. No drink, no food, no ask about me. Just make love and sometime he sings , play guitar, play piano.

    He always tell me - DONT GIVE UP . keep my time keep my affection for him. Someday he will reply. Oh my god. Im not superwomam but i have hope and i hate to be alone , wanna have long term relationsip

    But today i used the another nick and chat with him. hope that he will be happy (Sure that he know who i am). But he is angry at me and told that i am playing game. He dont wanna talk to me anymore. Dont answer my phone , dont reply my mess. invisible me

    What should i do. I am so confuse. Let him alone and stay away or continue to make him betterI need some advice from man?
    U should tell him that u just don't want a booty call and that is it, tell him u want a relationship (a real one), and u can wait but not as long as before, and he atleast needs to try and have a real relationship, and he can't do that (no matter how much u hate being alone) then u can't stick around.

    I need relationship advice, help! Man Wh*re?!?

    ok, I am inept when it comes asking women out. I am chicken, dorky, and even clumsy. The ironic thing is that every woman I have ever dated has asked ME out. I am talking about back in hs for dances, dates, or even to current times for relationships. I am 27 now and I don't know if this is the luck of the draw or just cuz I am a good actor at being cocky.

    A girl once told me that my curse is I look like the type of guy who's had MANY sexual partners, whatever that means. She said that aspect about me is what scares women off. I thought this comment was harsh Cuz only been with two women. One went through me like water, the other is the one I wanna marry (I am currently with her)

    I mean, I am not fully in shape, but am tone in the shoulders. It's my abs that need work. My gf even thought I'd been ';around the block'; when we met. That hurts a lil.

    Can someone carry this image and not even know it?

    I need advice. What does this aspect about me mean? I am a nice guy!I need relationship advice, help! Man Wh*re?!?
    you best bet is this. go to this chica that you would like to be your wife and tell her that you want to spend the rest of your life with her. tell her that no matter what you will be there for her and so on. this image that you carry can be erased. the only thing is that you will have to work at it. i know from experience about this until i became a man wh*re so don't worry to much. if she truly does love you she will spend forever with you.I need relationship advice, help! Man Wh*re?!?
    maybe it's the cocky part of your attitude that gives off the ';whorey'; picture
    well why should it bother u when clearly u know what they say is untrue

    Im a 73 year old man who needs advice.?

    I have been dating a 23 year old woman for around 1 year do i keep the flame alive? children and grandchildren dont know about it...but we are very much in love.

    My daughter is 47..and she would definately not approve, as she has a daughter the same age.

    I'm open to any suggestions.

    Thanks.Im a 73 year old man who needs advice.?
    My God! Just think if that woman wants you for money or really loves you. I hope you the best!Im a 73 year old man who needs advice.?
    73! High five dude. She must love OLD BALLS!
    Here is one of your previous questions鈥?/a>

    learn to troll better.
    DAMN!! what the hell are you doing with a 23 year old? She may be after your money. you should find an older woman perhaps a 60 year old? I think you need help
    LOL, sorry i can't imagine a 73 year old man coming on Y!A for advice.

    Go home troll.

    And if by chance you are serious, WRONG SECTION. This is for preschoolers and toddlers.
    Gross. Don't let this chick get ahold of your money!
    in your dreams TROLL
    Oh no! Date you own age!
    I would do what ever you feel is right in your heart. I definently would not put the gf on any will sort of things, and dont get married. Your family will be very upset and hate you if you were to do that..

    Just keep up with the things she likes :-) Movies, shopping, lakes what ever it is you do :-)

    Good luck!
    make a will to your children give them your money, but keep large part for yourself secretly.

    tell them all including your girl that you gave your money in a will already

    then let's see what will happen

    if you both still in love the same atmostphere

    go for it.

    she worth that!!

    then tell your daughter about this.
    My advice is

    Be a friend to her not a lover.
  • cosmetics
  • OMG i need advice this man is got me crazy!?

    i meet this guy alittle over a month ago through a mutual friend. we talked and went on a date really hit it off...we started kinda quick and heavy both of us thinking long term...well after a night of drinking i ended up messing around with(not sleeping with just other stuff) with our mutual friend. he considered it cheating and moved onto another girl within two days. he is still seein her a month later but we still talk. he still was callin me about every few days or so and texting me til this last week. i think about him every day all day..i miss him so much he is the greatest guy ever everything i have always wanted in my soul mate. i cant seem to move on and let it go and the guilt that i messed up is more than i can bare. well last night i sent him a text just to say hi...we did the usual small talk and i had to ask how things were with the girl..he said hes never been happier (just fyi..hes 32 been married to his high school sweet heart for 14yrs they just got divorced he has three kids and im 28 with three kids as well so no middle school drama here)

    anyways, after we talked via text last night about his new relationship and how upset i was but i accepted that it was over ad wished him well i thought i finally had closure and was ok with how it ended. THEN, i wake up to a text from him at 5:30 this morning asking me a bizarre random question it said: i was reading through our messages and wondered why you thought i was moving in with first thought at this he text me a random question like that at 5 in the morning after we layed closure to it all and a subject matter that is not significant to anything...3 hrs later were still texting back and forth about us..about how maybe our paths will cross again and he is just a normal guy nothing special..blah blah blah...i am more confused now than i ever have been in my life...he is NOT the type to play me or string me along..and actually had apologized if he had mislead me before. why in the world did he text me at 5 in the morning with such a random off the wall question and then continue talkin about us for 3hrs? i have not seen him since we were seein each other so he isnt using me in anyways...there was no generic hows it goin friendly was just another round of talkin about when we were together and how things might have been or might be someday....i miss him so much and i want another chance with him so bad...does he still have feelings for me? why did he do that..i was ok with the closure i had gotten last night, why did he strike it back up if he is truly happywith the other girl and why continue to call me and stuff and talk for an hour or two this whole so confused...please helpOMG i need advice this man is got me crazy!?
    You need to be concise, this is too long and it requires too much effort on my part to read it in its entirety. So eat a sh!t waffle.OMG i need advice this man is got me crazy!?
    Try summarizing the story next time
    Move on, block his number and stop acting like a middle school kid.
    The man doesn't have you crazy.

    The fact that you are a crazy person is what is making you crazy
    I think you both want eachother back. Firstly for him to have been going through all your txts means he was thinking about you and wanted to remember all the good txts and times you shared.

    He probably just got with the other girl either as rebound or to make you jealous.

    You gotta prove to him that he can trust you because even if you dont consider it as cheating, he did and you have to respect that if you want him back. You gotta show him why you were so good together. Dont get angry or needy, just be you. Actions speak louder than words so you gotta show him how much he means to you and how much he can trust you.

    Its gonna take time. goodluck :)

    get off his jock. maybe it wasn't meant to be, he obv wasn't the greatest guy ever or you would still be together.

    theres alot more other men out there. find one that your kids like too.
    funny, you say he's not the type to play you or string you along but that is exactly what he's doing. he's with someone else yet he's doing what he can to keep you on the hook in case things don't work out with her.

    stop taking his texts and calls and just go on and get on with your life. It's starting to sound like he did you a favor by breaking up with you when he did.

    FWIW: unless the two of you were exclusive when you made out with the other guy then he had no business expecting you to be faithful to him at that stage of your relationship and he broke up w/ you too soon--but I can understand him having questions about your drinking and your lack of judgment when you are drinking. (you seemed to blow the make out session off as not being serious because you were drunk. we all do stupid stuff when we're drunk and our inhibitions are lowered but we are still responsible for our actions and once you're well past legal drinking age, blaming your behavior on intoxication is a bad sign that you aren't in control of your alcohol consumption.)

    BUT if the two of you were an exclusive couple when you fooled around with the other guy, he's right, it was cheating and he was correct to break up with you because you showed him either you are not a faithful person or you may have a drinking problem and lack good judgment when you over indulge and are not to be trusted when you drink.

    this relationship wasn't going to work out in the long term. call it a day and move on.
    You should just let this dude alone. He obviously has something with the other woman, and you don't want to get involved in a messed up triangle thing. If he's the right guy, he will be the right guy later, but right now is not the time because he's got someone else in his life.

    Age Gap Love Advice older man/younger woman?

    Hi I am 28 dating someone who is 19 yrs older than me. He is 47 (doesn't look like it though) . I am completly in love with this person. He says he loves me too. Although it seems to me that he has a problem with the age difference. We have been hiding the relationship because he is afraid of other's reactions. I tell him there is nothing wrong and it is our decision to be together. I am just trying to get some advice or story's from others in same situation to show him that it okay.I know there are others in relationships with age differences even greater than ours. Also we have been together a year and he is not rich so that is not why I am with him so I can't be called a gold-digger like some articles suggest. Sometime I think he just uses it as an excuse not to be in a committed relationship.He is very sweet and we get along very well. Any advice or info would be great. .Age Gap Love Advice older man/younger woman?

    i think all he wants is sex

    Have you every follwed this proverb: If you wish good advice, consult an old man.?

    I believe originally it was, ';Quien quiera saber, que compre un viejo.'; Culturally we tend to ignore the elderly but I learned alot from the older relativesHave you every follwed this proverb: If you wish good advice, consult an old man.?
    Yes... I think the elderly are full of wisdom. When I worked with them they were always telling me stories about their lives and giving me advice. I have so many sets of grandparents. :)Have you every follwed this proverb: If you wish good advice, consult an old man.?
    Well, you know I work primarily with seniors, so it is at least weekly I get to listen to stories or lessons from those fonts of information! My older relatives were always fun to talk to,also. And culturally, we suck at how we treat our old folks! present company not included, of course!
    Whoever said that must have been senile.
    I always follow this advice.

    I'm from India - where the old are respected a lot more than elsewhere.

    Sadly, this is decreasing now - since India is becoming westernised, and the crap usually gets packaged along with the good !

    I need legal advice. The man who bought a half interest in my store died and left his half to his daughter?

    who is a real idiot. She has caused me to lose so much business that I am am going to lose the business. It's so bad I can't even afford a lawyer. Is there any way I can get help?I need legal advice. The man who bought a half interest in my store died and left his half to his daughter?
    Too bad that when you set up the partnership you didn't buy life insurance on each other, so that you could use the proceeds to buy her out. If you can't manage to buy her out, or talk sense to her, you two might have to declare bankruptcy.I need legal advice. The man who bought a half interest in my store died and left his half to his daughter?
    That is why in many partnerships it is 49% and 51%. Offer to buy her out. If you can not afford it try to work out some payment arrangement. Try to give her 50% of the profits without participating (silent partner).

    You need to work out some arrangement that is suitable to both parties. Otherwise you will lose the business and both will have nothing. If you can not, then you need to find the best way for you to get as much as possible out of the business before it fails. Maybe she will buy your 50%.
    Have you bothered to talk to her about the problem? How have her actions caused you to lose business? She has the legal right as the new half owner to have input....unless your former partner did not have legal right to input as far as how to run the business is concerned. First (not argue) with her and explain the situation. Beyond that, you will need an attorney....affordable or not.

    I need some advice on man through online dating?

    Okay I have been talking to a guy online for about three months now. We have done the same degree (and its a rare degree) and we have the same passions so naturally its nice for both of us. We have met once and I made myself look a right fool babbling on and spilt a drink down my front. He is very busy and travels the country and has lots of hobbies and I can understand why he is single and needed to use online dating sites. Although he does meet women with similar passions in his job.

    I have asked if we can meet up again but he seems to give me excuses which could be because he is mega busy or just not into me.

    He does text me every day at least once depending on the mobile phone coverage. He is known to be in the middle of nowhere for his job.

    I would like to get to know him better but where he wants to meet means us being on our own in the middle of a place where there is not many people and thats too risky for me. He was a bit put off by the fact I dont drive but I am learning.

    We are both not very big drinkers so when we did meet up it was in a pub.. we both hated it.

    I dont know what to think.. shall I just carry on talking to him and not meet up until hes ready?I need some advice on man through online dating?
    It's up to you. You definitely both have to have the desire to meet up, for it to occur. If you like the guy, go ahead and keep chatting and let him suggest the next meeting...but don't pass up other opportunities if you are contacted (or contact) other guys online (or offline) that attract your attention.

    You're still free to check out and date others...don't spend your time just waiting around for this guy to make up his mind how he wants to proceed.I need some advice on man through online dating?
    I don't think he will ever be ready. I also question if he is telling you the truth about his job.
    I am not really sure. I don't think you're really going to get into a good realtionship anyways because he travels a lot and all you guys do is text and talk online. if anything use the phone not just texting. but if he really doesn't want to meet up with you then you need to find out instead of just waiting for him cause he could be over you and think you're just friends.

    I need some advice from man?

    we are specail friend . it means we use sex for communicating. Because he has just broken up with his gf. im so stupid. I know he is sad and depress. thats why i wanna let him get hope back. Come to his house - talk to him. listen to him - make love with him - cook for him

    I try to take him for going out with me but couldnt. When i come to his house, he didnt treat me properly. No drink, no food, no ask about me. Just make love and sometime he sings , play guitar, play piano.

    He always tell me - DONT GIVE UP . keep my time keep my affection for him. Someday he will reply. Oh my god. Im not superwomam but i have hope and i hate to be alone , wanna have long term relationsip

    But today i used the another nick and chat with him. hope that he will be happy (Sure that he know who i am). But he is angry at me and told that i am playing game. He dont wanna talk to me anymore. Dont answer my phone , dont reply my mess. invisible me

    What should i do. I am so confuse. Let him alone and stay away or continue to make him betterI need some advice from man?
    Let him stay away. You were too good to him.I need some advice from man?
    Just back off of him. Sounds like he's not interested in you for anything more than the sex. He doesn't want a long term relationship any more than what he's giving you now.

    It may seem that he cares for you, but I'm willing to believe that's not true in the way you might be hoping. Not to mention he might have other women who are having sex with him.
    Situation is kinda crazy cause he could care for you and then again he could be using you. It seems like he just wants sex from you I wouldn't call it making love, all in all you know what you should do, You know whats right for you so the decision is yours.
    Just find someone else, it is obvious that he is only using you for sex and you are just a ';stand-by'; arrangement for him until he finds another relationship for himself.
    I dont understand forreal, but sounds like you and him are just there to have sex with each other.. he probably just looks at u as a booty call or something,..

    answer mine;_ylt=Aj8e.xU8tVYMoQIURYVMYP0azKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20090714213435AA3XOta
    I'd give him an ultimatum: if he wants you then he'll commit, if he doesn't, then you probably didn't have too much of a chance with him anyway.
    Get rid of him completely! Stop texting, emailing, everything!In time you will get over him trust me.
    Leave him. He's not in to you. It sounds like you need to forget about him because he's trying to forget about you.

    He is just using u.

    Dump him. You deserve better.

    He isn't into you.
    that made no grammatical sense
    He is using you for sex. Get away from him.
    if you came to my house i'll make sure to feed you and give you drinks...
    If you want a guy to answer this then i would make it a lot shorter!
    learn to spell, dipf uck
    if you speak like you write your luck any guy will even allow you in their house

    you are just a screw to him, leave him alone and find some self esteem, sounds like your father wasn't around when you were young, sleeping with a guy so he will hang out with is the worse thing you could do, it makes you look cheap and no guy is going to respect you

    stay away from the guy, sounds like both of you are messed up, being around each other will just cause you each to be weaker, you really need to get a life, not trying to be mean but really...get a life, sitting around having a pity party for your self because some loser is throwing a fit because you didn't do exactly what he wanted you to at the moment is a really pathetic way to live
  • cosmetics
  • GUYS!!! Trying to unlock the mystery that is man, I need advice...?

    Say you are going out with a girl you like. She is everything that you have always wanted. You let her know that and that you want to marry her and have babies with her. But you call only when you feel like it. Sometimes you tell her that you'll call her but then you don't. She invites you to go to the movies and you never call her about a time that works for you. And when she calls you to see what's up and to make sure that your not dead (after not hearing from you in days) you tell her that, ';Oh I can't go out today cause my cars having trouble, I'll call you later'; and then don't call her. Why would you do that, what does that mean?GUYS!!! Trying to unlock the mystery that is man, I need advice...?
    no mystery see other post where i unlock the secretsGUYS!!! Trying to unlock the mystery that is man, I need advice...?
    dude has another sh.t.....
    I'm sorry to say, but that's what I've done with girls that I wasn't really interested in, and didn't have enough courage to just break it off with them. Perhaps, there's alot that he does like about you, but not quite enough for him to have as much attention on you as you'd like. You should just sit him down and ask, ';Do you really want to be with me, or would you rather find someone else?'; This kinda guy might give you a PR (public relations) answer which he doesn't really mean. You'll have to dig for the truth, even saying, ';Tell me the truth.'; If a girl told me that, that would pull the truth out of me.
    To me, it means he is taking advantage of you, knowing you will be at his beck and call whenever he wants you.
    that he lied and is not intrested and does not know how to tell you.
    it means she isnt everything and you dont want to marry her or probably cant be bothered turning up anyway. babies? ha! ill come see them when my car isnt troubling me
    it means that he's not interested in you like you are in him. you should look for someone else, it will be hard but its best
    He's BS'ing you.Find a real man.
    It means that he is shallow, callous, and doesn't know what love is. He is more concerned about what his needs are while you are like a convenience store to him. The great thing is that you realize this before you settle down with him or have a baby by him. Suppose you got pregnant, don't try to fool yourself into thinking that it will suddenly change his ways. If he is selfish now, he will be even more selfish later. But he isn't alone. Many people are like that. You sound like a sweet, caring, and intelligent young lady. You think with your head and feel with your heart, and that will help you know when you have found the right guy. You should pat yourself on the back for recognizing the weakness in your boyfriend and how it keeps your relationship in a poor state. Have faith in yourself.
    Let me guess. He pursued you and pursued you. You finally said yes, and now he's acting like a jerk.

    But truth is, he didn't turn into a jerk. He was always one. But you didn't see it because he was treating you so sweetly at one point and was determined to win you over. He told you he loved you, and painted pictures of a future with you. You most likely told him to slow down, take it easy, and pointed out things you were scared or unsure about. But he convinced you that he wasn't going anywhere, and that he loved you. At first you were unimpressed. You had been through this before. Men chasing after you, sending flowers, bringing you your favorite icecream, etc., etc. But he seemed to really be sticking to his word. He didn't seem to be going anywhere. You saw him as different from anyone you'd ever met. Feeling safe, you decided to push your fears aside and go for it, right? Then you fell in love with him, and accepted him for who he was- flaws and all. You probably put everything, all of yourself, all of your energy into loving him.

    But wait, then he saw that. He saw that you were a dedicated, sweet, beautiful woman! Everything he thought he always wanted. And if you were somewhat adventurous, he probably felt like he tamed you a little bit. Then he decided you were now a little too tame. Why? Because you loved him. He needs another challenge to restock his manliness.

    Wait, if he finally won you over, who else could he win over? Or maybe he could play around with you a little bit, see if he can get into your mind and make you ask yourself questions like, ';Did he ever really love me? Was it all a game? Is he possibly just scared and needs some time?'; All I can say is BOY IS HE ENJOYING THIS. It gives him so much power. He loves that the once independent woman who didn't want to give him a chance is wrought with worry over losing him.
    find another man because he is cheating on you!!!!!!!!!
    ive told you already he isnt interested,find another guy
    It sounds like he does not put you as a top priority.I would tell him if he wants you in his life he needs to call you more often and respect your time the same way he wants you to respect his.
    hes playing you like no other. you need to forget about him because he doesnt want you he wants your pants, more specifically whats inside them.
    Let it be said that he likes you as a person but nothing more. If you stop having sex with him you will see the whole picture and realize how tight your eyes were closed to the situation.
    that he is just playing with you and he is a quick that wants everything but then kick it aside later on
    There is no mystery about men. They are what they are. Men only say what you want to hear.

    I need advice with man troubles?

    Ok so I gotta tell you the story first. There's this guy whom I've been ';talking'; to for a while now. He has an ex that he told me about way long ago when things were platonic. The only reason he stopped seeing her was because of her parents and he's all oogly googly over her but they haven't been together for more than a year. He's told me he liked me a couple months back but I'm not sure if the feelings are still there. I like him probably more than I should. The only thing I want when I'm around him or talking to him is to make him happy. I would love to be with him. I don't know how to ask him about his feelings towards me. And I don't want to lose the friendship. But I don't think I can keep waiting around for him. I don't know what to do.I need advice with man troubles?
    first of all your not wiating arouund for him because he dose not know how you feel .i think you should stay friend because if something gose wrong your not gonna want to be friends any more but its not about what i think its about what you think the choice is yours to make good luckI need advice with man troubles?
    Has he difficulty in understanding what you are saying then? Look it sounds as indecisive and he's probably going through the same emotions as you! Ask if its ok to meet and see where it goes! Good luck!
    The key to any relationship is communication.. You gotta talk to him, just say ';hey, I dont want things to be weird between us, but I gotta know....'; You never know, his answer might surprise you, and if he says he does like you, but hes not over his ex, then you'll have your answer and you can go from there.. But dont worry about it to much, I met this guy in high school that I really liked, and he and his girlfriend were on and off, but the closer I got to him, the further he was from his girlfriend.. Now we've been married for 2 years and are as happy as can be! Good luck!
    Just tell him how you feel and ask him how he feels. The other thing you need to think about is that this could ruin your ';friendship';. I would hope not but you never know. SOme lines are better not crossed. Good Luck.
    i have to tell him how you feel and see what he says....
    Be straight forward with him... let him know how you feel and ask him how he feels what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.... you never know what might come the situation

    Can I get some men with children relationship advice?

    I recently met a wonderful man who is the father of four. We are both in our early 30's and have so much in common. We enjoy our time together. I have no children of my own, but want some at some point. I just can't help but to wonder if I am going down a doomed path. Does anyone know of anyone in my situation that turned out positive? Let me know what you think because I am floundering over here. Thanks!Can I get some men with children relationship advice?
    If you marry this man and have children with him, his children will resent you for the rest of their lives.

    I need relationship advice. My man is leaving for 2 years?

    So i have the love of my life and i stand behind him in everything he does, but he has decided to go on a mission (lds faith) and he will be somewhere else in the world for 2 years.. i want him to go but i am scared that i am going to miss him too much. I love him so much but not being able to hear his voice for 2 years and only getting a letter or email once a week is going to be a complete change from the seeing him everyday that i have now. i need guidance and advice to how i can be okay and make it through all of this... help please:)I need relationship advice. My man is leaving for 2 years?
    ah, religion

    breaking up relationships againI need relationship advice. My man is leaving for 2 years?
    It's not going to be easy.But if you love him enough than you will wait and just continue to support him and write him. But keep in mind its a long wait and you might end up breaking up with him. And when he comes home hes going to be changed, but Changed in a good way.It's up to you if you want to stay with him or break up. You could always take a break for 2 yrs and you could date other people and maybe when he comes back you could start where things left off.But its really up to you when you wanna do.Just saying its going to be a very long and hard 2 yrs.
    Love is not selfish, it gives and that appears to be what he's doing. Show your love for him in another way, join him by reaching out and become a volunteer where you live now and the 2 years will seem to pass quickly.
    I would suggest a web cam so you can hear and see him regularly. It's 2 years that you'll have to just accept. If you love him then don't stress so much and don't put the pressure on him and make him feel guilty.
    You should be grateful he left and puts God in such a high priority in his life.

    This happens for lots of girlfriends of missionaries. I'll bet you get to know him even better through writing.

    It'll work out just fine.
    It seems like he loves Humanity more than individuals. Try pointing out to him that you are also a part of humanity and get married while you are at it.
    If he really loved you, he wouldn't leave.
    ask him to bring a laptop with wireless web and a webcam.
    ditch the dude or go with him
    Wow, with the exception of tj there were some really bad advice-givers today. I'm sorry about that.

    You're going to miss him. That's fact. It may not work out. It's almost a given. But it might not work out even if you were in the same town. It's just part of life. It might work out for you. But that doesn't mean you can't try and still write to him, record cassette tapes and send them to him (I know several girls who did that with their missionaries so they could still hear each other's voices). Keep living your life and ENJOY it, know is a great time in your life- everything's changing. Learn and grow while he's learning and growing, and keep reminding yourself why he's going and why it's worth it. Talk to women you know who married return missionaries. Don't try to hold yourself or him back, because that won't help anyone. And don't forget to pray.
    You'll eventually start cheating.. Just break if off now....

    I need a mans advice on some sexy things to do in bed?

    ok well i need some tips on things to do for my husband in bed i want to make things awesome for the both of us. what are sexy little things that guys like that not all girls know about? and even during sex? what do you guys like out of a girl?

    my husbands kinda feminine sweet and shy so nothing to creepyI need a mans advice on some sexy things to do in bed?
    Well I'm not a man, but...whisper sweet things in his ear, kiss him all over his body (neck, cheeks, chest). When giving him oral, kiss all around his penis before you put your mouth around it to get him excited about what's next. Tell him if he wants you to do something or has always been curious about something, to tell you what it is. Doesn't hurt to try something new. Also you can find books or articles online or magazines (try Cosmopolitan) that can give you more ideas. Hope this helped!
  • cosmetics
  • Wedding Advice - Best Man not attending Rehearsal?

    Is it bad that my best man can't make my wedding rehearsal?

    I am getting married in April.

    My best man (actually I have 2 best men - both of my brothers)...and one of them can't make the rehearsal.

    He's going into the fire department, and last test he took for one of the cities in our area he did not pass. So that night there is a 'mock' test at one of our local colleges in order for the college to help the students find out what areas they are weak in and how to improve. They are only running this once (supposedly) and he was lucky enough to get on the list for this test.

    Over the last 5-10 yrs, my brother and my relationship has been a bit rocky at times. We have usually been super close growing up (minus the usual brother/sibling rivalry) but over the time he's always put his friends more important, and every time he just meets a girl he puts her first always and it's like our family is way last..even if they just met.

    Anyhow..I could go into more detail on the way he is when it comes to his friends..and how we/I feel neglected etc etc...but that's another topic.

    Thanks a lot guys!Wedding Advice - Best Man not attending Rehearsal?
    Even though you guys have been rocky he's still your brother. Be the bigger person and support him in his quest to find a job (especially in firefighting, that's a difficult career to get into these days). If in your heart you know he would be there supporting you during the rehersal and will be there supporting you at the wedding you need to support him. It's unfortunate that he cannot make it but hey, at least your brother is healthy and able to attend your wedding. Take advantage of the time you can share with both of your brothers because there are way too many people who take their siblings for granted.Wedding Advice - Best Man not attending Rehearsal?
    I think it will be ok. Truthfully, he does not have a difficult part to play. And the other best man will know whats going on, so he can just follow what he does. If this best man (the one not attending) is sopposed to the hold the rings or something, just make sure to run through the order of events in detail with him. Otherwise, he just walks in with the other guys, stands there, and walks out with a girl.
    So long as someone tells him where to stand and what to do the day of the wedding, don't worry about it.

    Stressing out won't do you any good.
    as long as you walk him through what he needs to do during the ceremony (which should be pretty easy), and he makes your big day, it shouldn't be a big deal that he miss the rehearsal. it doesn't sound like he's doing this out of neglect, and it he could, i'm sure he would be there. it may seem like a huge deal right now, but really, the most important thing is your wedding. the rehearsal is just the rehearsal.
    I think you should be glad hes your best man and that I think you should support him, its just a dinner and means nothing, he will be at the wedding thats whats important.
    Isn't this why you are having two bestmen? Really? Sounds like all along you were afraid that he may flake out and not show up so you arranged for a back up. Smart man, your fears are being realized.
    One of our groomsmen was not able to come to the rehearsal. He had a problem at work (it came up at the last minute). We just filled him in on the things that he needed to know.

    Don't make too much out of this. It is just the rehearsal. It isn't the actual wedding.

    Serious advice please - man trouble ?

    I need some advice please? regarding a man...?

    Theres a guy who has been in and out of my life for 11-12 years, he has a bad track history with women as hes a bit of a player! but I have always loved him, and we have been through a lot and are very fond of each other. We have never been 'official' and been friends too. A few months ago I decided to call it all a day and cut him off. It worked for a while, but then we back in touch with each other and he was, this time round really trying, treating me respectfully and nicely and really making an effort. He had a few girls ringing his phone when he was in my house, he didnt answer the calls but it did upset me a bit! but as we arent officially together I didnt feel I could say anything! plus I have told him I am dating too. However, he took me out sat eve and we have been getting on really well.. My mistake is that I have slept with him, but he doesnt stay over!? so on sat eve after he went I was a bit concerned. He then popped in to see me briefly on sunday, with a makeup type of glitter all over his top lip and one side of his face on his cheek, I asked him what it was and he denied it was makeup glitter and then, he looked in the mirror and his mate said yeah you have it all over your face, then he said ''oh it must have been that girl''. I said what girl? he said that girl who phoned me the other day she kissed me to say hello thats why I have her makeup on my face!!!

    I am SO confused and upset and so upset that I texted him to end it all and move on but I still love him and I am GUTTED. Advice please Serious advice please - man trouble ?
    He's been like it for all the time you've known him, what makes you think he'll ever change ? Besides if he did change would you like the new man who emerges, probably not.

    If you want commitment and a long term relationship look else where. If you want a quick fling sounds like he's your boy. If you were advising your little sister about him what would you tell her ?Serious advice please - man trouble ?
    I would say something like this is ALL down to what do you want? Sleeping with him is not a mistake I know women need to feel a connection but still there is a physical need, embrace the beauty. Undoubtely he loves you and you him but he also loves a lot of other girls. The thing is 11-12yrs is a long time and can be damaging due to the length of time, especially if you don't see the situation for what it is. (However you seem to have a clear head on you.) I would say it is all so easy to say not to see each other, but throw in a little thing called love %26amp; it's all a different ball game. I truly think your ages will be the dividing factor %26amp; what you want out of this relationship %26amp; your own individual life. Somethings are meant to be, others are not, you know who you both are at heart.
    Well if yo want to ask him out do it and if hes being a player dump him. im kinda having the same trouble right now with this guy who i like but hes a player and a total perv, he slaps my a$$ but he is NEVER single he always has a girl and always says they makeout, but when and if he is single im gonna ask him out of if he says no i will get over it

    -S L

    Confused! Advice on man! Mature comments please!?

    let me set the scene -

    I have been seeing this guy for about a month or soo - we were friends before for about 2 yrs and i have broken up from a long term relationship about 3 months ago...

    The first night we made out was when we were both drunk and it was kinda awkward (as we were friends ) - from there we have continued to spend weekends and some nites together ...

    He takes me out for dinner and does things that are really sweet..pays for everything ....

    Last weekend we spent the whole weekend together and i had a really great time and he said he was falling for me etc and ';understands the position i'm in coming out of a relationship'; also - that us getting together ';wasn't in the script';...

    But then we went out 2 dinner with a couple of friends last nite and he was different and very teasy in his comments %26amp; of course i felt a little bit sensitive...

    He is a bit of a free agent and is popular with the ladies - and hasn't really been in a steady relationship for a long time..

    So i'm feeling confused as this is a really tricky situation and i didn't expect this to happen - also i don't really have any one to talk to about it as i don't want my ex to find out - i don't want to be in a rebound situation and i also don't want to put myself out there and get hurt...

    Do you think he sounds sincere? I haven't really opened myself up to him as i'm so confused and like i said I don't want to get hurt....Confused! Advice on man! Mature comments please!?







    BE CAREFUL MY DEAR FRIEND!!!Confused! Advice on man! Mature comments please!?
    You have only came out of a long relationship three months ago so you will be sensitive , but he did take you out with his friends and if he is known for being a ladies man he may have been playing the part his friends know ,If not you keep your guard up and go out with friends again and see if it happens again if so speak to him about it and then you may have to see where to go from there , Give yourself time
    Nobody makes a better boy/girl friend than a friend. If you are really close then you should be excited that he is falling for you and you should take every opportunity to make it work. Friends are awesome boy/girl friend material, you already hang out so why not take it to another level, just be prepared to change your friendship should the realationship not work out.
    If you go through life afraid of getting hurt you will end up alone, isn't that just logical? Whatever you do, whoever you're with, give yourself wholeheartedly, at the end of the day you're not the one regretting anything.
    I think he's playing you. If he was teasing you in front of other woman that means that he is trying to look good to them, hence flirting with them.

    Don't give (you know what) up to him, and see how long he sticks around.
    Oh my gawd? How suppose for you to mend things up! You open-up completely...YOU play the game of betray, so please know the limits on the relationships double edge sword.Its sure a bloody end ,all way up or down.So practice abstaintence.
    He sounds sincere to me. Just dont jump all in at once. Especially since youre coming out a relationship yourself. But, yeah. Give him a try
    Sounds like trouble

    I get the same feelings when you described him

    better be safe than sorry

    Keep your guard up
    I think you should talk to him about it if you really like him.
    I think you should talk to him about how you both feel in the relationship since it has taken a more 'serious' turn and see what he says. Don't pressure him but talking things out always helps. I understand having feelings for a friend is kind of awkward as it happened to me too,but you can still remain friends if you both decide not to be a couple anymore, there is nothing wrong with that. Just explain how you feel about being confused and he may be too. He may just be scared of the feelings he may be having. Sometimes guys get scared too,even though their macho exterior doesn't want us to think so.LOL

    Please advice? Infidel man at work ruins my job?

    There's this guy at my new workplace married with 2 newborn kids.

    I'm in now way whatsoever interested in him.

    Few days back he confessed feelings for me (I'm his assistant - we've been working together for 1 month only).

    I'm grossed out and feel very uncomfortable working near him so i decided to disappear as i feel management will not believe me. I'm the newbie + I'm very young.

    There is no way i can avoid this guy at work if i went back - the office is too small.

    Can anyone offer me advice?

    If anyone experienced this, will you share with me? i feel terrible.Please advice? Infidel man at work ruins my job?
    I'm confused, you said you decided to disappear, then you said there's no way to avoid him at work if you went back- so did you quit or are you still employed there?

    If you ';disappeared';, meaning, you just walked off.... you need to clear the air with this person. Look him in the eye and tell him that you need to keep things professional between the two of you, and that you have no interest in a personal relationship. Be firm, and look him in the eye. You're young, but don't act young- this is a crucial conversation. Another thing: since this guy is clearly unprofessional in his interactions, don't give him additional reason to fantasize about you - keep your cleavage covered and wear your skirts knee-length. No, I'm not saying that clothes give a man a reason to harass you, but when you're dealing with someone who goes outside of normal boundaries, you have to equip yourself with all the tools for success possible, methods to protect yourself, your reputation, and your body from being objectified.

    If the inappropriate actions persist, go to management. And write everything down- when he did this- write down the dates. Also write down when you told him that the conduct was unwelcome. Sexual harassment is against the law, and when you tell him that you want things to be kept professional, it's a clear statement that tells him what is appropriate, and what is harassment. If he crosses that line, he is harassing you. Keep a journal at your home of what occurs, so if the problem persists, you can go to management - and FYI- if they don't conduct an internal investigation, I'm sure you could sue their pants off, just call your local Legal Aid.

    Or, if confronting him is too much, you could quit. However, you may find yourself in a situation like this again in the future. You said you're young, so you have a long career in front of you. And if you see yourself climbing the corporate ladder, then there will be lots of crucial conversations ahead. Please advice? Infidel man at work ruins my job?
    Do Not do anything until you speak to his boss.

    They will not fire you, believe me.

    You are young, probably make next to nothing and have already started training and investing in your future.

    You DO NOT know what they already know about this guy, so let them know he has harrassed you, it is illegal, and if they do nothing, or fire you, you have a good lawsuit on your hands!!
    Since you plan to leave anyway, if I were you I would still let management know, what they do with the information is up to them. But it would be a good idea to atleast give them a chance to deal with it. This guy shouldn't be able to get away with doing that to you!
    you just tell the guy that he's gross and you'll kick him between the legs if you have to.

    tell him his breath stinks and you want to talk to his wife today about that.
    Get a tape recorder, tape everything he says and let upper management hear it. They will have no choice but to believe you.
    You should go to the boss or to the manager. You are being sexually harassed.
    Tell him your going to file a harassment case after his butt. That you will let his wife know too. Maybe it will scare him good luck!
    New job. If asked why you just left this job, say the truth....marired man who was above you wanted sex with me and you left. They will understand.
    get rich take a tape recorder and record what he says and take it to court and sue the company for sexual harrassment
    Exlax. If he poops himself in front of you he will avoid you forever.
    are you aware that infidel means unreligious? what does his personal beliefs have to do with you at work in an office?
    Tell him to respect his wife and kids! If he's any bit human, maybe the guilt will eat at him!
    is there a boss above him? would you be able 2 acuse him of sexual harrasment?
    get a new job.

    this sounds horrible.
    if he's rich you should have just gave him some of your twat
    If you do decide to go back, (if you think the job is worth it, and if you're not in physical danger from the guy) talk to the Human Resources department right away. Let them know exactly what you said here; that your co-worker has made a statement which makes you very uncomfortable. It's not to make them believe you, it's to make sure there's something on record. That way if they guy ever does this to somebody else, they'll be able to see that there's a pattern of behavior.

    If this is one of those good ol' boy networks where nothing is ever done for a woman who complains about a male co-worker, then leave for good. It's just not worth it, and there are better jobs out there.
    He is a real piece of work, I think he is probably older than you and because of your being new on the job he thinks he can say or do whatever he wants to you and you don't have any recourse.

    HE is wrong, you go to the human resources department and tell them , he may have been reported before, how can he have feelings for you if you have only been on the job for 1 month. If you like the job and want to stay there then report him, if human resources doesn't do anything for you, you can report him to the labor relations board. I hate to see a man with 2 new babies loose his job but if he is that much of a cad then he brought it on himself.

    Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees,

    Confused! Advice on man! Mature comments please!?

    let me set the scene -

    I have been seeing this guy for about a month or soo - we were friends before for about 2 yrs and i have broken up from a long term relationship about 3 months ago...

    The first night we made out was when we were both drunk and it was kinda awkward (as we were friends ) - from there we have continued to spend weekends and some nites together ...

    He takes me out for dinner and does things that are really sweet..pays for everything ....

    Last weekend we spent the whole weekend together and i had a really great time and he said he was falling for me etc and ';understands the position i'm in coming out of a relationship'; also - that us getting together ';wasn't in the script';...

    But then we went out 2 dinner with a couple of friends last nite and he was different and very teasy in his comments %26amp; of course i felt a little bit sensitive...

    He is a bit of a free agent and is popular with the ladies - and hasn't really been in a steady relationship for a long time..

    So i'm feeling confused as this is a really tricky situation and i didn't expect this to happen - also i don't really have any one to talk to about it as i don't want my ex to find out - i don't want to be in a rebound situation and i also don't want to put myself out there and get hurt...

    Do you think he sounds sincere? I haven't really opened myself up to him as i'm so confused and like i said I don't want to get hurt....Confused! Advice on man! Mature comments please!?







    BE CAREFUL MY DEAR FRIEND!!!Confused! Advice on man! Mature comments please!?
    You have only came out of a long relationship three months ago so you will be sensitive , but he did take you out with his friends and if he is known for being a ladies man he may have been playing the part his friends know ,If not you keep your guard up and go out with friends again and see if it happens again if so speak to him about it and then you may have to see where to go from there , Give yourself time
    Nobody makes a better boy/girl friend than a friend. If you are really close then you should be excited that he is falling for you and you should take every opportunity to make it work. Friends are awesome boy/girl friend material, you already hang out so why not take it to another level, just be prepared to change your friendship should the realationship not work out.
    If you go through life afraid of getting hurt you will end up alone, isn't that just logical? Whatever you do, whoever you're with, give yourself wholeheartedly, at the end of the day you're not the one regretting anything.
    I think he's playing you. If he was teasing you in front of other woman that means that he is trying to look good to them, hence flirting with them.

    Don't give (you know what) up to him, and see how long he sticks around.
    Oh my gawd? How suppose for you to mend things up! You open-up completely...YOU play the game of betray, so please know the limits on the relationships double edge sword.Its sure a bloody end ,all way up or down.So practice abstaintence.
    He sounds sincere to me. Just dont jump all in at once. Especially since youre coming out a relationship yourself. But, yeah. Give him a try
    Sounds like trouble

    I get the same feelings when you described him

    better be safe than sorry

    Keep your guard up
    I think you should talk to him about it if you really like him.
    I think you should talk to him about how you both feel in the relationship since it has taken a more 'serious' turn and see what he says. Don't pressure him but talking things out always helps. I understand having feelings for a friend is kind of awkward as it happened to me too,but you can still remain friends if you both decide not to be a couple anymore, there is nothing wrong with that. Just explain how you feel about being confused and he may be too. He may just be scared of the feelings he may be having. Sometimes guys get scared too,even though their macho exterior doesn't want us to think so.LOL

    Some advice ~~~';the man wont talk';?

    The story, we meet online, we meet in person. We only spent two days together; he lives in another city across the country. We liked each other, and took turns phoning one another for about a month and a half, he said he would come and see me at Christmas I was so excited. He got a new job, and never came said he was sorry, and now he won鈥檛 say boo to me. I worried my pride (cause he wanted to buy a ticket for me to see him) I have might have caused this, but then I did explain that didn鈥檛 want him to pay for that. He im sure is busy with work, but still no time for me? I know I鈥檒l get told to forget it and that he has a girlfriend and I鈥檓 stupid. I don鈥檛 disagree I am dumb when it comes to matters of the heart, but I like to tie my ropes at the end, so I don鈥檛 have a question just need some friendly words.....I could possibly (more than likely) be down his way, cause I鈥檓 headed for a job close to that city.Some advice ~~~';the man wont talk';?
    why not head for a job in his city?Some advice ~~~';the man wont talk';?
    U knw wat gal.You go get him.You're the one for him.You soooo deserve someone who cares for you.U like that guy, go for it.Don't let go.
    Well you don't sound stupid to me, just worried you may make a mistake of the heart, but we all learn the same way, so just follow your heart regarding him, while it may be true that he has a girlfriend, then again he may honestly be too busy to devote more time to you right now, the change started after he started his new job as you recall, once you get to that new place, take the time to make a quick trip and find out for sure.

    Regardless what people say in regards to your question, you still need to find out one way or the other?
  • cosmetics
  • Hairstyle advice for man with longish hair, wanting layers and little shorter?

    Hello everyone, I need help with getting haircut I want and knowing what to ask for when in hairdressers. I have shoulder length hair, which is fairly straight and want to add more texture to it and have it little shorter. I want layers but arn't sure how many or what to say. If someone could look at this photo link and let me know what they have I would be very grateful.

    Does this pic have long layers or short? to me the layers look different lengths. advice for man with longish hair, wanting layers and little shorter?
    can you say ewww to that i would never want a bf with layers to his hair i love guys with long hair and they should keep it that way

    Please advice? Infidel man at work ruins my job?

    There's this guy at my new workplace married with 2 newborn kids.

    I'm in now way whatsoever interested in him.

    Few days back he confessed feelings for me (I'm his assistant - we've been working together for 1 month only).

    I'm grossed out and feel very uncomfortable working near him so i decided to disappear as i feel management will not believe me. I'm the newbie + I'm very young.

    There is no way i can avoid this guy at work if i went back - the office is too small.

    Can anyone offer me advice?

    If anyone experienced this, will you share with me? i feel terrible.Please advice? Infidel man at work ruins my job?
    Infidel man? Are you Muslim?

    Do you have a full Hijab on, head to toe? In Islam law if a woman shows any part of her body she deserves to be ....... (too disgusting to say).

    Now in America we don't call people infidel. We call the co workers.

    If he bothers you, tell him to STOP IT OUR YOU WILL REPORT HIM.

    Remind him that if he does not stop the consequence's of his actions would be his own and it could mean his job and family. Remind him that if his wife or kids saw him doing this, would they be proud.

    Tell him there is no attraction and NOTHING could or would ever happen.

    Very simple. In America we have LAWS. Rights and FREEDOM.

    Give him fair warning. If he does not stop make notes of the time, place and what he does and says from now on. Than go to human resources or owner of the company and tell them.

    They will no doubt tell him to stop it or be fired. The company will be afraid you will sue them. Please advice? Infidel man at work ruins my job?
    You can try sexual harassment.....but you have to prove it.......get your resume up and out.......get out of there......

    Men I need advice can a man be in-love with his live in girlfriend which he share a baby with fall in-love?

    with the other woman who also, has a baby by him the the babies are 15 months apart .is it possible that he can love them the same . would a man tell about the baby with the other woman?Men I need advice can a man be in-love with his live in girlfriend which he share a baby with fall in-love?
    yeah it's called being a liar and a cheat... you have tow woman that you need to come clean with... They will meet one day.. Trust me... you don't want everything to come out when the kids go to school.. you need to come clean...You are not in love with both of these woman... One of them you are lusting after. You have a choice to make and it is not fair to them that you are playing the field and having babies.. How would you feel if they did that to you? all I can tell you is that they are going to be hurt and your live in girl friend may try to hurt you because you are playing on her emotions and no woman likes that. You need to grow up and realize that you can not have your cake and eat it too...Men I need advice can a man be in-love with his live in girlfriend which he share a baby with fall in-love?
    a love triangle almost always has a self destruct mechanism built in .in rare cases it can work but it's rare because jealousy is a inborn human trait and the fuse that destroys relationships.

    Man needs Woman's advice. (no men please)?

    My girlfriend of a year and a half and I have been arguing non stop. I'll give her side of the story first. (and I will be fair!!) Her main complaint with me is that I'm not affectionate enough and that I treat her like a friend. She says I am self-centered and complain too much. I see why she says I am not affectionate enough but, I'll get to that in a bit. As far as teating her like a friend, I have to wholly disagree. (for obvious reasons) The self-centered thing baffles me but, I can see why she says I complain a lot. I will try to explain further my situation.

    I am in my mid twenties and she is twenty-three, if that matters. About eight months ago, her parents gave her the opportunity to quit her job and go to college full time. In addition, they give her 1K dollars a month spending money. Keep in mind that she pays no bills, her father pays her credit card for her. I know this because she told me. I have no problem with any of these things and I fully support her decision to stop working in order to finish school. We have a plan to move in together eventually and having a degree and a better job will certainly help, no? The school we attend is meant for people who work full time. It isn't online but, you meet with your teachers only once a month to hand in work. It's individual study. Currently, I am working full time and attending school part time. We hang out 4-5 times a week and yes, most of the time I am very tired. I deal with stress everyday at my job, with bills (including credit cards which I am obsessed with paying off so when we move in together we have no extra debt), school and just life in general. This could be a reason I seem detached... I'm just plain exhausted but, I do make the effort. I take her out whenever I have money, I go see movies that she wants to see, watch shows she wants to watch and do the little things like getting her a snack or making her tea. I do all of these things because I WANT to, not because I feel like I have to.

    As far as complaining goes, yeah I complain about work. I'm currently looking for new, better paying jobs. (so I can support us when we move in together) I've been working at a law office for almost seven years and I am a paralegal. I get frustrated and I look to my girlfriend for comfort... is that complaining? I try to express it in a humorous way but I guess it doesn't work. I imagine that if she had a job and things of that nature, she would complain just as much if not more. Also, I find that any good news (such as an interview at a new job, etc.) quickly turns into worry when I tell her about it. (i.e. ';you wont quit this job before you get another one';, etc.) There is simply no support or excitement, just worrysome nagging. I'm studying for various state-employment tests as well. (LOTS of studying in my life) So every waking second I have to be ';reminded'; to study or, make phone calls to my professors. I'm not trying to sound angry but, did I not make it this far before she came along? I appreciate that she wants to be involved but, her constant (sometimes several times a day, if not more) ';reminders'; borderline harrassment and simply wear me down to the bone. So on top of my normal everyday stresses, I have these constant nags about every little thing and it really drains me. REALLY.

    Basically, everything I do has her in mind yet, she seems to miss that. I do make the effort to improve based on her complaints about me and it never seems to be enough. Tuesday was our sixteen month anniversary (not that big a deal.. odd number) so, I suppose we could have made dinner together or gone to a movie; no big deal. But instead, she decides not to hang out. When she asked if I'd be mad I said, ';would you be mad?'; She said yes. Needless to say, I have been under the weather so we decided not to hang out. The next day she said I neglect our anniversarys. Honestly, am I missing something? Why am I so self centered? Am I? Can someone for the love of God help me? lol I feel like I am going to blow up at her, and I have NEVER yelled at her. Is she dense? Am I crazy? Man needs Woman's advice. (no men please)?
    Somebody is definitely self centered here and I'll tell ya, it isn't you. Sounds like you've really got your hands full. I feel bad for you. I don't think this woman will ever be satisfied. I think she'll just keep finding things to stress you about. I don't think she realizes or cares how good of a man you are. It seems to me she is spoiled rotten and is making sure that you will be able to afford her when you two move together. This woman is 23 years old, she needs to start acting like it. It just seems to me that she is immature and too high maintenance. She will be one tough chick to keep happy. If you think she's nagging you now, wait till you have kids and a mortgage. You've gotta decide if she is worth it to you. I wish you the best of luck!Man needs Woman's advice. (no men please)?
    sorry but get out before you cant,save yourself and your mind and soul.
    can you shorten it a bit? i cba reading but my advise is -

    Lifes too short! =]

    Good luck with it xx
    Even from reading only half of your story it clearly sounds to me that you two are just too different from each other. Whether it be the way you view each other or just the ways you each do things differently. I suggest you just part ways and start anew.....
    shes not helping u one bit i would ditch her and move on i know thats harsh but its the only way 2 get rid of her. and if u like her and really want to move in with her then tell her how u REALLY feel.

    Need advice from men and women on man I want to marry?

    Ex boyfriend advice- MEN ages 30-40 HELP ME!!!?

    I need some serious advice and insight-

    My ex and I have been having fights lately. His father has stage 4 lung cancer and it's gotten progressively worse. J, my boyfriend, is in a state of despression, self-reflection (he has some issues within himself he wants to work out), and intense stress. We have ';broken up'; but, we talk every day and after we have huge blow-outs...we admit that we love and care for each other. We also continue to express that we miss each other and feel like we have lost our best friend. We are in contact constantly and care about what's going on in the others lives.


    Is this person keeping me in his life because he loves me and wants us to work out? Do you think he feels weak as a man right now and just needs time to sort his **** out before he can try and focus on our relationship again? This is a good man, who is 38- not looking to play games and waste time. We are both staying faithful to the other eventhough we are not technically ';together';. How do I interpret his love and continuing to reach out and engage in my life? Does he just need time to get strong again and get a grip on his issues and dealing with his father dying?

    We wanted to get married and have a family. Something we were very open and honest about. Should I hold onto faith that this will work itself out since there is so much love? Should I give him space to resolve his stress and issues and trust he will come back since he hasn't really done anything to PROVE that he wants to lose me, other than just screaming things when he's angry?



    Need advice from men and women on man I want to marry?
    Well, T, I think your man has a full plate right now. He is probably mentally exhausted and is worried that he will neglect you. He is also probably watching to see if you go. Self pity isn't a good thing; but he's got a lot on his mind. Sounds like you have a relationship regardless. Why not ask him if he'd like to get a cup of coffee sometime? I don't think he's gone anywhere- he's just not sure how to cope. Good luck! Need advice from men and women on man I want to marry?
    wel to be onnest he does have his father on his mind at this time and it could be playing a big part in him fighting with you what has got to be done is tell him that you will not marrie him unless he get this seeing to by a counciler hun and see how it goes the but until then just sit back and then he reaise what he is doing to you
    even though it will be really hard because you love him, you need to just be there for him as a friend right now. do anything you can to help him through this rough time. keep in mind that he cannot make any rational decision about your relationship during this time of are just going to have to do your best to wait it out. once he has had some time to deal with everything going on...which might take a long time...thats when you can aproach him about your relationship. trying to sort out his feelings too soon is only going to hurt you AND him
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