Thursday, August 19, 2010

I want to get back at a worthless man. any advice on this?

a friend and i spent our summer as interns.Our boss, a married guy in his late 20's was at first so nice towards me and was always giving me attention that i made a huge mistake.i fell for him and had an affair with him. i kept it a secret and didnt even tell my friend abt the affair. but after a month and a week had passed he suddenly turned cold and never returned my txt messages. this was when our internship was over. i was shocked to learn from my friend that she's fallen for this man and they're dating now. i was so mad at them and told my friend that he's dating a pig and all that i finally told her about my mistake and that this man is going to ruin her but my friend doesnt mind i think. i'm really mad and hurting. should i get back at him and tell his wife about him and my friend? will he go to jail for it? we're both 18.I want to get back at a worthless man. any advice on this?
if you are both 18 he won't go tot jail, but don't spend anymore time dwelling on this jerk, You have your whole life ahead of you, believe me you will find someone that is better. He is going to get caught don't worry about that, just make sure it's not with you.I want to get back at a worthless man. any advice on this?
first no about the jail thing your both legal, but you just need to get over it .Your just upset because he is now seeing your friend because if he was still seeing you ,then you wouldn't care. When you were seeing him it didn't bother you that he was married so you need to find someone who is single %26amp; will care for you for who you are, this one those things that you learn from %26amp; don't do again like sticking you finger in a light socket chances are your friend will have the same thing happen to her %26amp; she'll have to learn the hard way too.

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