Thursday, July 29, 2010

What is your advice to men that have a severe phobia of women?

Remember that women are people too. Women can make mistakes just like men. If this phobia is severe enough, go see a psychologist to find the route of the problem.What is your advice to men that have a severe phobia of women?
Find yourself a nice guy.What is your advice to men that have a severe phobia of women?
First depends what the phobia is maybe be gay. be more specific. all women. strong women?/?
Get a long gun. It protects you from the evils of women. They will not come near you when they see you.
what happen try and talk to ur family or friends..
take chances, we're not that scary, a lot of us are pretty cool and nice and want to get to know you too
Run for your lives! You have a right to be scared...of some of them....these biotches are crazy!!!!
that's not a phobia,you're sick in the head.
Start off by talking to them online....after that have friendly chats on the phone, then go on a date. Good luck and do things in small steps.
make your self be around them guarded at first and slowly worf up to interation if you do nothing you'l only get worse
that's a good question. to get rid or Ur shyness to women u should think of them just like an ordinary guy or just be urselves when trying to talk to a women cause if u think of them like a women ur mind will wonder if i brush my teeth and i dont have a bad breath or do i look good on my dress when i approach them etc. i mean u will just be curious on urself when dealing with women so you must think of them like they are just ordinary guys not women and u will have those feeling of just be urself when talking to them okay
Find a man, or a woman that has a lot of male qualities, to love.
Have you ever thought of a shrink to find out why you have this phobia. Personally I have a fear of not knowing the person well enough to know if they are capable of doing something very wrong. Be it men or women.

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