Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What advice would you give a woman (or a man) who is being physically abused?

GET OUT. Find a friend, find a family member, find a shelter. JUST GET OUT.What advice would you give a woman (or a man) who is being physically abused?
GO TO THE POLICE AND GET HELP RIGHT AWAY.What advice would you give a woman (or a man) who is being physically abused?
That person needs to get out of the house. Ask them if they have a child. Would they place their child in a yard where a dangerous dog lives? They are doing that by staying in the same house as an abuser. There are shelters available for women and most people can find a friend or family member who they can stay with. The abuser needs serious help and the abused person needs to not go back to them until they get help...and maybe not even then.
to get some help with improving their sense of self-worth.
You don't deserve this. He may never stop. It doesn't matter how much you love him, you can't change him. You don't need a him. That sort of thing, though it rarely works.
for one you don't deserve to get hit you know you don't so take a stand and leave yes you love that person and they say i love you but they don't or they would not hit you so you need to get out go to the cops file a report and don't give in go all the way put that person in jail give them what they deserve

no one deserves that you are better than that
It's not worth it in the long run, nothing is ever going to change, it won't get better, stop being a voluntary victim.
GEt help run away from the person contact professional help
to leave that dangerous situation immediately. Every city has shelters that can help the person. Stay and you may never be able to leave. Abuse only gets worse. Seek help immediately
Talk to sumone who they can trust and get help from them!!! Friend and family r always the best but if they dun want to talk to them ..see a counsellor...
I'll throw in with get out. As soon as possible. Any larger city will have a number of resources available to the abused. No one should stay in such a situation.

Once out, call the cops.
well I was in this situation before, and he used to always say that he would change, and by now I have pretty much figured out that you can't change anyone. It still happened and I still stayed because i was in love and he made me feel like I couldn't do any better. But my advice is to get ouyt as soon as you can and don't ever for a minute think he is going to change, cuz he isn't. It will only get worse. After I left i realized that that was the happiest I have been for the last 5 years that I was with him, but it is really funny how I still miss the sex, lol
If they've done it once, they'll do it again. It is not your fault or anything that YOU have done wrong. You just need to ask yourself this question ';is this what I REALLY deserve?'; NO ONE DESERVES TO BE PHYSICALLY ABUSED!!!
first get out any way possible....friends, family, co worker, any one u can TRUST....then call the cops...and get that jack *** arrested for abuse or assault what ever it is called in the police lingo....u dont need ot be in that place at all

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